Comacchio in "Batana"
It is possible to visit the city centre for free by the typical boatscalled"batane”. The ride starts from the Trepponti Bridge, in front of the Old Fish Market, and heads to the neighbor Ponte degli Sbirri bridge (called also Ponte delle Carceri).
PalazzoBellinistands next to it: a typical example ofnineteenth-centuryaristocraticartifact, home to an important and powerfulfamily. Now it is the headquarterof the historical archive andthe town library. In itsrooms thereis the Modern Art Gallery, whichannually hostsnational shows and exhibitions.NearPalazzoBellini there is the Museumofthe Roman Ship, which exposesthe preciousmaterial foundin 1981aboard acommercial vesseldating from thefirst centuryBC.

Lidi Ferraresi
- The Po Delta Park
- Birdwatching
- Comacchio in "Batana"
- Sunset in the Comacchio Valleys with Dinner on Board
- Services not included
- On holiday with our pet friends
- Swimming Pool
- Beach Service Holiday 2020
- Barbecue
- Washing Machines
- Free Bicycles for Our Guests