The Po Delta Park
Here you will be guests of one of the highest bio diverse places in Europe, an area rich in natural environments home to hundreds of species of flora and fauna. In addition to the forests with deciduous vegetation and other evergreens, the most characteristic landscape of the Po Delta Park are the valleys and the wetlands, whose brackish waters have been exploited several times in the history, from fishing to salt extraction.
For what concerns the latter, you cannot miss a visit to the ancient salt pans of the Park or those of Comacchio or Cervia, where it is possible to admire the salt production conducted following the traditional methods of the Po Delta and accompanied by a colourful and discreet presence of one of the largest colonies of Flamingos all over Italy.
In all its major stations, from spring to late autumn, the Po Delta Park offers many opportunities for sightings of over 300 bird species, numbers that make it the capital of Italian birdwatching.
Thanks to its flat conformation and the many human activities that have interacted with this territory over the centuries, now the Po Delta lends itself to be easily crossed by many tourist itineraries that visitors can make using various means of transport.
For mountain bike lovers, all of the hundreds of trails along the valley banks can provide valuable routes along the nature of the Po Delta. For those who prefer the asphalt road, the most recommended routes are the ones on the main connection of the "historic Po Delta ": from the roads that follow the Comacchio Valleys, to those who cross the Mesola Wood.
Thanks to its great accessibility, the Po Delta Park is well suited to become a maze of roads and paths where you can get lost among its multitude of banks and valleys and you can enjoy the peace and beauty of its nature.
Therefore, we advise you to explore the Po Delta by following one of the many defined routes, and then leave it whenever the opportunity arises.

Lidi Ferraresi
- The Po Delta Park
- Birdwatching
- Comacchio in "Batana"
- Sunset in the Comacchio Valleys with Dinner on Board
- Services not included
- On holiday with our pet friends
- Swimming Pool
- Beach Service Holiday 2020
- Barbecue
- Washing Machines
- Free Bicycles for Our Guests